About me

Welcome! I’m a first-year Ph.D. student supervised by Prof. Hongfei Lin at the School of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, China. I’m also a member of Information Retrieval Laboratory (DUTIR). I like reading novels and watching movies.

Research Interests

  • Natural Language Processing
  • Textual Sentiment Analysis
  • Hate Speech Detection

Main Publications

  • Junyu Lu, Bo Xu, Xiaokun Zhang, Kaiyuan Liu, Dongyu Zhang, Liang Yang, Hongfei Lin*. Take its Essence, Discard its Dross! Debiasing for Toxic Language Detection via Counterfactual Causal Effect. LREC-COLING 2024. [code]
  • Junyu Lu, Bo Xu, Xiaokun Zhang, Changrong Min, Liang Yang*, Hongfei Lin. Facilitating fine-grained detection of Chinese toxic language: Hierarchical taxonomy, resources, and benchmarks. ACL 2023. [paper] [code]
  • Junyu Lu, Hongfei Lin, Xiaokun Zhang, Zhaoqing Li, Tongyue Zhang, Linlin Zong, Fenglong Ma, Bo Xu*. Hate speech detection via dual contrastive learning. TASLP 2023. [paper]
  • Junyu Lu, Hao Zhang, Zhexu Shen, Kaiyuan Shi, Liang Yang, Bo Xu, Shaowu Zhang, Hongfei Lin*. Multi-task Hierarchical Cross-Attention Network for Multi-label Text Classification. NLPCC 2022. [paper] [code]

Note: * indicates the corresponding author. The full list of publications is in Google Scholar.


Technical Evaluation

  • 2024.7, CCAC2024 Task1 Track1: Few-shot User Query Security Detection, The 2nd Place in 30+ Teams. [task]
  • 2024.7, CCAC2024 Task1 Track2: Few-shot User Model Response Detection, The 1st Place in 30+ Teams. [task]
  • 2022.5, NLPCC2022 Task5 Track1 Multi-label Classification Model for English Scientific Literature, The 2nd Place in 40+ Teams. [task] [report]
  • 2020.9, CCF-BDCI2020 E-commerce User Purchasing Behavior Prediction, The 5th Place in 120+ Teams. [task]



  • Hate Speech Dataset Catalogue, Contributor. [repo]